Cisco global Innovation challenge win, 365mesh owner and creator Outcomex has taken home the ARN 2021 Tech Innovation: Digital Transformation Award.

Outcomex, owner and developer of the 365mesh platform, has won the 2021 Cisco Global Partner Innovation Challenge with the TransportDeck IoT solution. Announced on Thursday, 10th November at the 2021 Cisco Partner Summit, Outcomex placed first for the second year in a row.
Outcomex first competed in the ANZ theatre, winning first place and a prize of $50,000 USD. After this win, Outcomex competed for the global award against the winners of all regional theatres, comprising 12 finalists worldwide. Outcomex achieved another first-place win for Outcomex, taking home a $200,000 USD prize for a total win of $250,000 USD.
Take a look at our winning submission video.
TransportDeck, built on the 365mesh platform
Our latest win recognises Outcomex’s innovation with TransportDeck, our IoT solution which provides the Transport and Mobility Sector the ability to monitor, count and gather information around transport areas such as pick-up drop off (PUDO) bays, taxi and bus ranks, and pedestrian traffic areas.
Through the utilisation of Cisco APIs and industrial hardware, Meraki cameras, and advanced object recognition capabilities with our AI/ML algorithms, TransportDeck offers real-time visibility and analytics on pedestrians and vehicles numbers, wait times, and traffic flow. This data allows councils and the transport industry to make informed business decisions to improve area accessibility, safety, and to manage people and traffic flow.

TransportDeck user application
Winning the Cisco Partner Innovation Challenge for the second year in a row
The Cisco Partner Innovation Challenge provides the opportunity for Cisco partners to showcase their innovative creativity with technology while harnessing Cisco APIs. Over the last four years, this challenge has grown, with record submission numbers each year from the Cisco global partner community. With incredible partner diversity, company size and thinking, winning first place is a testimonial to Outcomex’s innovation, talent, and capability.
This is the second time Outcomex has won the Cisco Global Partner Innovation Challenge. Last year, Outcomex placed first with Farmdeck, an industry IoT solution for farming and agriculture that is built on the 365mesh platform. The 2020 prize money contributed to further research and development of the 365mesh platform and expanding the software engineering department. These investments allow us to continually improve AI/ML models and develop custom solutions for an even broader range of customers.
What’s next for Outcomex and the 365mesh platform?
The prize money will be used to continue developing the 365mesh platform and TransportDeck solution. Outcomex continues to invest in the research and development of new solutions and features to meet specific industries’ requirements. Our focus is developing more AI/ML algorithms to push the limits of technology and to continuously improve our platforms.
We will work on smart digital signage for TransportDeck, helping with parking signage and providing accurate information to the public. The team will also work on level crossing solutions to improve safety between the different vehicles using level crossings. These include intersections where railway lines cross roads, paths, or in rare situations an airport runway, on the same level. This benefits all industry solutions developed with 365mesh, that can leverage this application of IoT for their unique needs.